Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 53-06.2-01 - DefinitionsAs used in this chapter:
1. "Breeders' fund" means a fund, administered by the commission, established to financially reward breeders or owners of North Dakota-bred horses to be paid in accordance with rules as approved by the commission.2. "Certificate system" means the system of betting described in section 53-06.2-10.3. "Charitable organization" means a nonprofit organization operated for the relief of poverty, distress, or other conditions of public concern in this state and has been so engaged in this state for at least two years.4. "Civic and service club" means a branch, lodge, or chapter of a nonprofit national or state organization that is authorized by its written constitution, charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws to engage in a civic or service purpose in this state and has so existed in this state for at least two years. The term includes a similar local nonprofit organization, not affiliated with a state or national organization, which is so recognized by a resolution adopted by the governing body of the local jurisdiction in which the organization conducts its principal activities, and which has existed in this state for at least two years.5. "Commission" means the North Dakota racing commission.6. "Executive director" means the executive director of the commission.7. "Fraternal organization" means a nonprofit organization in this state, which is a branch, lodge, or chapter of a national or state organization and exists for the common business, brotherhood, or other interests of its members, and has so existed in this state for two years. The term does not include a college or high school fraternity.8. "Local jurisdiction" means, with respect to a site inside the city limits of a city, that city, and with respect to a site not inside the city limits of a city, the county in which the site is located.9. "Other public-spirited organization" means a nonprofit organization recognized by the governing body of the appropriate local jurisdiction by resolution as public-spirited and eligible under this chapter.10. "Purse fund" means a fund, administered by the commission, established to supplement and improve purses offered at racetracks within the state.11. "Racing" means live or simulcast horse racing under the certificate system or simulcast dog racing under the certificate system.12. "Racing promotion fund" means a fund administered by the commission established to assist in improving and upgrading racetracks in the state, promoting horse racing in the state, and developing new racetracks in the state as necessary and approved by the commission.13. "Religious organization" means a nonprofit organization, church, body of communicants, or group gathered in common membership for mutual support and edification in piety, worship, and religious observances, and which has been so gathered or united in this state for at least two years.14. "Veterans' organization" means a congressionally chartered organization in this state, or a branch, lodge, or chapter of a nonprofit national or state organization in this state, the membership of which consists of individuals who were members of the armed services or forces of the United States, and which has so been in existence in this state for at least two years.Amended by S.L. 2021, ch. 390 (SB 2214),§ 1, eff. 4/16/2021.