N.D. Cent. Code § 52-02-16
The state of North Dakota may receive and accept title by general warranty deed to real property which may be acquired under standard legal practices, or combinations thereof, for acquisition of real estate in accordance with the needs and requirements of the particular transaction by documents executed or to be executed by the bureau, provided the property must be acquired without appropriation by the state of North Dakota and the cost thereof must be defrayed by federal funds made available for the administration of said bureau. Sufficiency of title to any property acquired hereunder must be approved by the attorney general prior to execution of documents for acquisition of such property. Property acquired under authority hereof must be for the use and benefit of the bureau to carry out and perform the duties, powers, and authority vested therein, and to administer and participate in federal programs delegated thereto by federal authority. Upon completion of negotiations for acquisition said property may be held and occupied by the bureau at no cost other than maintenance.
N.D.C.C. § 52-02-16