Section 51-04-08 - Certain excepted salesThe provisions of this chapter do not apply to the following:
1. Sales made to dealers by commercial travelers or selling agents in the usual course of business.2. Sales made by persons soliciting orders of goods, wares, merchandise, or personal property for future delivery, and not from a stock or supply carried by the solicitor or otherwise available for immediate delivery to the purchaser, in which the solicitor does not demand or accept payment of any money or deposit in advance or on delivery without first providing the purchaser with the privilege of examination of the goods, wares, merchandise, or personal property.3. Sales made by a person who has a sales or use tax permit in accordance with chapter 57-39.2 or 57-40.2, pays contributions to job service North Dakota for unemployment compensation in accordance with chapter 52-04, and who has reported to workforce safety and insurance in accordance with chapter 65-04.4. Sales made by a seller at residential premises pursuant to an invitation issued by the owner or legal occupant of such premises.