Section 43-41-10 - Grounds for disciplinary proceedings1. The board may deny, refuse to renew, suspend, revoke, reprimand, restrict, or limit the license of, or place on probationary status any license issued under this chapter on proof at a hearing the applicant or licensed person: a. Has been convicted of an offense determined by the board to have a direct bearing upon that individual's ability to practice social work or is not sufficiently rehabilitated as determined by the board in accordance with section 12.1-33-02.1.b. Is addicted to the habitual use of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or stimulants or other addictive substances that impair the social worker's ability to practice social work.c. Has been grossly negligent in the practice of social work.d. Has violated one or more of the rules and regulations of the board.e. Has violated the code of social work ethics adopted by the board.f. Has failed to make a report to the board as required under section 43-41-11.1.2. In order to pursue the investigation, the board may subpoena and examine witnesses and records, including client records, and copy, photograph, or take samples. The board may require a licensed social worker to give statements under oath. The board may require a licensed social worker to submit to a physical, chemical, or mental examination, by a physician or physicians or other qualified evaluation professionals selected by the board if it appears to be in the best interests of the public that an examination be secured. The board may require a licensee to enroll in a treatment or monitoring program approved by the board if the board determines in good faith to do so would be beneficial to the licensee or protect the public. Failure to satisfactorily undergo an examination or enroll in a treatment and monitoring program must be reported to the board by the treating professional. Treating professionals are immune from any liability for reporting made in good faith. A licensee is deemed to consent to the treating professional of the approved evaluation, or the approved treatment and monitoring program, reporting to the board on the results of the examination or the progress of the treatment or monitoring program, at such intervals the board deems necessary. The approved examination, or treatment or monitoring program, may release examination information, or treatment or monitoring information, to the board so the board may evaluate the results of the examination or the licensee's progress in and the effectiveness of the treatment or monitoring program. A written request from the board constitutes authorization to release information. Absent a client release on file allowing the release of information, all client records released to the board are confidential and are not public records.3. Unless there is a client release on file allowing the release of information at the public hearing, client and juvenile records introduced or client and juvenile testimony of a personal nature taken at a public hearing is confidential and closed to the public. The portions of board meetings at which client and juvenile testimony or records are taken or reviewed are confidential and closed to the public. If no client or juvenile testimony or records are taken or reviewed, the remainder of the meeting is an open meeting unless a specific exemption is otherwise applicable.4. Until the board proceeds with disciplinary action, the complaint, the response, and any record received by the board during an investigation of a complaint under this section are exempt records, as defined in section 44-04-17.1.Amended by S.L. 2019 , ch. 366( SB 2361 ), § 8, eff. 2/1/2020.