Section 43-39-02 - Board of athletic trainers1. The North Dakota board of athletic trainers shall consist of five members, comprising one licensed physician, one layperson, and three athletic trainers. Each member must be appointed by the governor. The members, other than the layperson, must be appointed from lists submitted to the governor by the North Dakota athletic trainers association for those members who are athletic trainers and from the North Dakota medical association for the member who is a physician, for terms as provided in this section. Each member of the board, except for the layperson, must be licensed in the member's profession in this state and a resident of this state, must have not less than two years' experience as a physician or athletic trainer immediately preceding appointment, and must be actively employed in the member's profession during the member's tenure on the board. The layperson may not be licensed in any health care field.2. Members must be appointed to serve four-year staggered terms to commence on July first in the respective years of appointment and shall continue to serve until their successors are appointed. If a vacancy occurs during a term, the governor shall appoint a successor for the remainder of the unexpired term. No member may serve for more than two successive four-year terms. On the initial board, one physician and one athletic trainer must be appointed for a one-year term; the laymember and one athletic trainer must be appointed for a two-year term; and one athletic trainer must be appointed for a three-year term. Thereafter, their successors must be appointed for four-year terms.3. The board each year shall elect one of its members as chairman and one as secretary-treasurer to the board. The board may make rules, in accordance with chapter 28-32 and not inconsistent with law, which may be necessary for the performance of its duties. The board may prescribe reasonable fees for application and examinations and for certificates of licensure. License fees must be used for the purpose of paying the costs of per diem compensation and travel reimbursement to the board. In addition, fees and other moneys collected and received by the board must be used for the purpose of implementing this chapter and may be used for continuing education purposes. The financial records of the board must be audited once every two years. The audit is to be paid for out of the funds of the board.4. The board shall meet at least once each year. Additional meetings may be held on the call of the chairman or at the written request of any three members of the board. Three members constitute a quorum of the board. No action by the board or its members has any effect unless a quorum of the board is present.5. The athletic trainer members of the initial board are not required to be licensed for the first one hundred eighty days of their membership on the board.