Section 43-13-18 - Licensure by endorsementAn applicant may secure a license to practice optometry in this state without taking all required examinations as follows:
1. Presentation of a certified copy or an original certificate of registration or license in good standing issued to the applicant by another state where the requirements for license are equivalent to those of this state;2. Payment of a reasonable sum fixed by the board; and3. Unless waived by the board, all applicants for licensure by endorsement must:a. Apply for the highest level of therapeutic licensure in this state.b. Be current in the continuing education requirements of their current state of licensure.c. Pass a North Dakota state optometry law examination as required by the board to be given at such times and places as are prescribed by the board.d. Have a minimum of four years of practice, federal service, or teaching experience as a licensed optometrist prior to making application.e. Have not committed any act that would constitute grounds for disciplinary action under this chapter or the rules and regulations of the board.f. Submit to an oral interview before such persons and at a time and place as prescribed by the board.The board may give or require a practical examination of the applicant if it is deemed necessary.