N.D. Cent. Code § 43-09-15.1
An applicant for renewal of an electrician's license pursuant to section 43-09-15 must have successfully completed at least eight hours each biennium, of education relating to the standards set forth in section 43-09-21 or as otherwise prescribed by the board. The board may not require more than sixteen hours of continuing education in each biennium. The board shall conduct education sessions each year at not fewer than six locations throughout the state. Attendance at such sessions, or attendance at other education sessions certified by the board as approved, fulfills the educational requirements of this section. The board may charge a fee for attendance at the education sessions at an amount to be determined by the board, but not to exceed ten dollars per attendee for each session. The board may expend funds to educate and encourage potential electricians into the trade.
N.D.C.C. § 43-09-15.1