N.D. Cent. Code § 4.1-43-02
The commissioner shall register any livestock medicine that does not violate this chapter, upon the completion of an application by the manufacturer or distributor of the livestock medicine and the payment of the registration fee prescribed in section 4.1-53-04. Registration of livestock medicine is valid for a two-year period beginning July first and ending June thirtieth of every even-numbered year unless it is canceled by the commissioner because a change is made in the ingredients or formula of the livestock medicine or in the name, brand, or trademark under which the medicine is sold. In the event of any change, the medicine must be registered once again through an original application with the commissioner.
The certificate of registration must include a disclosure of the name and quantity or proportion of each active ingredient and the names of the inert ingredients or fillers.
N.D.C.C. § 4.1-43-02