Section 4.1-20-07 - Districts - Petition - Contents - More than one petition filed1. Any twenty-five qualified electors living within the limits of the area proposed to be organized into a district may file a petition with the state soil conservation committee asking that a soil conservation district be organized in the area described in the petition. The petition must set forth: a. The proposed name of the district.b. The need for a soil conservation district to function in the area described in the petition.c. A description of the area proposed to be organized as a district.d. A request that the state soil conservation committee duly define the boundaries for the district, that an election be held within the defined area on the question of the creation of a soil conservation district in that area, and that the committee determine that such a district be created.2. When more than one petition is filed covering parts of the same area, the state soil conservation committee may consolidate all or any of such petitions.