Section 40-51.2-11 - Notice requiredAt the time the administrative law judge sets the time and place of hearing, the administrative law judge shall direct the governing body of the annexing city to:
1. Publish a notice of the hearing and a copy of the petition, if the annexation was initiated under section 40-51.2-07, at least once a week for two successive weeks in the official newspaper of the city;2. Mail a notice of the hearing and a copy of the petition, if the annexation was initiated under section 40-51.2-07, to the owner of each parcel of real property in the area to be annexed at the person's last-known mailing address;3. Serve a copy of the notice and petition upon the chairman of the governing body of the county and township, if organized, in which the territory to be annexed lies; and4. Serve a copy of the notice and petition upon the head of the governing body of any other city in whose extraterritorial zoning or subdivision regulation authority the land area petitioned to be annexed is located.The hearing must be held not less than thirty days after the first publication of the notice. Proof of publication and service of the notice and petition must be filed with the administrative law judge before the time of the hearing.