N.D. Cent. Code § 39-29-10
Except as otherwise provided in this section, an individual under sixteen years of age who is not in possession of a valid operator's license or permit to operate an off-highway vehicle may not, except upon the lands of the individual's parent or guardian or as a participant in an organized sporting event that involves the use of off-highway vehicles, operate an off-highway vehicle. An individual at least twelve years of age may operate an off-highway vehicle if the individual has completed an off-highway vehicle safety training course prescribed by the director of the parks and recreation department and has received the appropriate off-highway vehicle safety certificate issued by the director of the parks and recreation department. The failure of an operator to exhibit an off-highway vehicle safety certificate on demand to any official authorized to enforce this chapter is presumptive evidence that that person does not hold a certificate. Fees collected from each individual receiving certification must be deposited in the off-highway vehicle trail tax fund for off-highway vehicle safety education and training programs.
N.D.C.C. § 39-29-10