- Section 39-08-01 - Persons under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any other drugs or substances not to operate vehicle - Penalty
- Section 39-08-01.1 - Prior offenses
- Section 39-08-01.2 - Special punishment for causing injury or death while operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol
- Section 39-08-01.3 - Alcohol-related traffic offenses - Seizure, forfeiture, and sale of motor vehicles
- Section 39-08-01.4 - Driving while under the influence of alcohol while being accompanied by a minor - Penalty
- Section 39-08-01.5 - Partial suspension of sentence for drug court program, mental health court program, or veterans treatment docket completion
- Section 39-08-01.6 - Criminal record - Seal - Exception
- Section 39-08-02 - Person conveying passengers not to engage drivers addicted to intoxicants - Penalty
- Section 39-08-03 - Reckless driving - Aggravated reckless driving - Penalty
- Section 39-08-03.1 - Exhibition driving and drag racing - Definitions - Penalty
- Section 39-08-04 - Accidents involving death or personal injuries - Penalty
- Section 39-08-04.1 - Emergency care or services rendered - Liability
- Section 39-08-05 - Crashes involving damage to vehicle - Penalty
- Section 39-08-06 - Duty to give information and render aid
- Section 39-08-07 - Duty upon striking unattended vehicle - Penalty
- Section 39-08-08 - Duty upon striking highway fixtures or other property
- Section 39-08-09 - Immediate notice of accident - Penalty
- Section 39-08-10 - Officer to report
- Section 39-08-10.1 - Investigating agency responsible to notify immediate family
- Section 39-08-11 - When driver unable to report
- Section 39-08-12 - [Repealed]
- Section 39-08-13 - Crash report forms
- Section 39-08-14 - Public inspection of reports relating to crashes
- Section 39-08-15 - Director of the department of transportation to tabulate and analyze crash reports
- Section 39-08-16 - Any incorporated city may require crash reports
- Section 39-08-17 - [Repealed]
- Section 39-08-18 - Open container law - Penalty
- Section 39-08-19 - Penalty for harassment of domestic animals
- Section 39-08-20 - Driving without liability insurance prohibited - Penalty
- Section 39-08-20.1 - Uninsured motorist - Insurance deductible
- Section 39-08-20.2 - Special mobile equipment and liability insurance - Report - Penalty
- Section 39-08-21 - Medical qualifications exemption for intrastate drivers
- Section 39-08-22 - Nonpayment for motor fuels - Penalty
- Section 39-08-23 - Use of a wireless communications device prohibited
- Section 39-08-24 - Use of an electronic communication device by minor prohibited
- Section 39-08-25 - Failure to maintain control