N.D. Cent. Code § 37-01-13

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 37-01-13 - Right of way of national guard while on duty - Exceptions - Interference with - Penalty

Commanding officers of any portion of the national guard parading or performing any military duty in any street or highway may require any or all persons in such street or highway to yield the right of way, except that the carriage of the United States mail, the legitimate functions of the police, and the progress and operations of hospital ambulances and fire departments may not be interfered with thereby. The adjutant general may provide for the issuance of special identification plates to be placed upon the privately owned vehicles of members of the national guard in order to properly identify vehicles operated by such members. All persons who hinder, delay, or obstruct any portion of the national guard wherever parading or performing any military duty are guilty of a class B misdemeanor.

N.D.C.C. § 37-01-13