Section 32-12.1-02 - DefinitionsAs used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Claim" means any claim permitted by this chapter brought against a political subdivision for an injury caused by a political subdivision or an employee of the political subdivision acting within the scope of the employee's employment or office.2. "Commissioner" means the insurance commissioner.3. "Employee" means any officer, employee, board member, volunteer, or servant of a political subdivision, whether elected or appointed and whether or not compensated. The term does not include an independent contractor, or any person performing tasks the details of which the political subdivision has no right to control.4. "Injury" means personal injury, death, or property damage.5. "Personal injury" includes bodily injury, mental injury, sickness, or disease sustained by a person, and injury to a person's rights or reputation.6. "Political subdivision":a. Includes all counties, townships, park districts, school districts, cities, public nonprofit corporations, administrative or legal entities responsible for administration of joint powers agreements, and any other units of local government which are created either by statute or by the Constitution of North Dakota for local government or other public purposes, except no new units of government or political subdivisions are created or authorized by this chapter.b. Does not include nor may it be construed to mean either the state of North Dakota or any of the several agencies, boards, bureaus, commissions, councils, courts, departments, institutions, or offices of government which collectively constitute the government of the state of North Dakota.7. "Property damage" includes injury to or destruction of tangible or intangible property.8. "Public nonprofit corporation" means a nonprofit corporation that performs a governmental function and is funded, entirely or partly, by the state, a city, county, park district, school district, or township.