Section 30.1-21-03.1 - Estate closing - Procedures1. If the personal representative has not filed with the court a verified statement to close the estate, or as part of the supervised administration proceedings in accordance with this chapter, within three years from the date of death of the decedent, any devisee, heir, distributee, or claimant may petition the court, formally or by any informal request, or the court on its own motion may order, that the personal representative and the attorney employed by the personal representative be required to show cause to the court why the estate has not been closed. The court shall order the personal representative and the attorney employed by the personal representative to show cause to the court at a hearing scheduled within ninety days why the estate has not been closed. The court shall serve notice upon all heirs, devisees, claimants, distributees, and beneficiaries of the estate of the order to show cause, the date of the hearing, and of their right to participate in the hearing proceedings.2. Within twenty days of receipt of the order to show cause, the personal representative or the attorney employed by the personal representative shall provide the court with a report containing a time frame for the anticipated closure of the estate; a detailed explanation as to why the estate has not been closed; and a detailed accounting of all disbursements made by the estate, including specific information as to all fees and other disbursements made to the personal representative, and to any attorney, auditor, investment adviser, or other specialized agent or assistant employed to do work for the estate.3. After the order to show cause hearing, the court shall issue an order establishing a timetable for the closing of the estate based upon the information provided in the report and the evidence provided during the hearing. The court may award attorney's fees and costs in favor of a petitioner if the court finds that the personal representative or the attorney employed by the personal representative has failed to show cause why the estate has not been closed within three years from the date of death of the decedent unless extended by the court. The court may file a complaint with the disciplinary board against the attorney.