N.D. Cent. Code § 28-22-07
All property claimed as exempt must be selected by the debtor or the debtor's agent or attorney regardless of whether levy has been made yet on the property by the sheriff or levying officer. Failure to claim all exempt property at the time exemptions are claimed renders the unclaimed property nonexempt for purposes of this chapter. The value thereof, when material, must be determined by an appraisement made under the direction of the sheriff or other officer. Whenever any debtor, against whom an execution, writ of attachment, or other process has been issued, desires to claim the benefit of section 28-22-03, such debtor or the debtor's agent or attorney, shall make a schedule of all of the debtor's personal property of every kind and character, including money on hand and debts due and owing to the debtor, and shall deliver the same to the officer having the execution, writ of attachment, or other process. The schedule must be subscribed and sworn to by the debtor or the debtor's agent or attorney, and any property owned by the debtor and not included in such schedule is not exempt. No claim for exemptions may be disallowed for insufficiency as to form unless three days' notice in writing has been given first of the insufficiency by the party in interest claiming such insufficiency to the person making the claim for exemptions, and specifying in apt language the defect complained of. The person claiming the exemption thereupon may amend the same to conform to the objections made within three days, if that person desires so to do, by serving upon the proper person an amended claim for exemptions.
N.D.C.C. § 28-22-07