Section 26.1-26.8-12 - Continuing education1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, an individual who holds a resident public adjuster license or a nonresident public adjuster license shall satisfactorily complete a minimum of twenty-four credits of continuing education, including three credits of ethics, reported on a biennial basis in conjunction with the license renewal cycle. Credits for continuing education courses attended in any one year over the minimum number of hours of education required, not to exceed twelve hours, may be credited to the year next preceding the year in which the credits were earned or to the year next following the year in which the credits were earned. Report of continuing education must be made at the end of a two-year period. The commissioner may provide a one-time extension of the two-year reporting requirement, not to exceed thirty-six months, if additional time is necessary to implement the transition to reporting continuing education by birth month.2. The requirements of subsection 1 do not apply to a nonresident public adjuster who has met the continuing education requirements of the adjuster's home state and whose home state gives credit to residents of this state on the same basis.3. The commissioner shall provide by rule for reporting by birth month of compliance with the continuing education requirements of this section.4. The commissioner shall adopt by rule criteria for the accreditation of courses for continuing education. Applications for accreditation of a continuing education course offered in this state must be submitted to the commissioner within the time provided by rule and on forms established by rule and with a fee of fifty dollars. The commissioner shall make a final determination as to accreditation and assignment of credit-hours for continuing education courses.Added by S.L. 2019, ch. 239 (HB 1219),§ 2, eff. 7/1/2019.