N.D. Cent. Code § 26.1-25-18
Any person who violates this chapter shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
The commissioner may suspend the license of any advisory organization or insurer which fails to comply with the order of the commissioner with the time limited by the order or any extension thereof which the commissioner may grant. However, no right to suspend any license exists until after the time for appeal from the order has expired, or if an appeal has been taken, until the order has been affirmed, and no right of suspension exists if prompt compliance with the order is made following the expiration of the time for appeal or the entry of a final order or judgment of affirmance upon appeal. The commissioner may determine when a suspension becomes effective and it remains in effect for the period fixed by the commissioner, unless the commissioner modifies or rescinds the suspension, or until the order upon which the suspension is based is modified, rescinded, or reversed.
A license may not be suspended or revoked except upon a written order of the commissioner, stating the findings, made after a hearing held upon not less than ten days' written notice to the person or organization specifying the alleged violation.
N.D.C.C. § 26.1-25-18