N.D. Cent. Code § 26.1-09-04

Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 26.1-09-04 - Subscribers to file verified declaration with commissioner - Contents

The subscribers contracting among themselves to conduct a reciprocal or interinsurance exchange through their attorney, shall file with the commissioner a declaration verified by the oath of the attorney, or when the attorney is a corporation, by the oath of a chief officer thereof, setting forth:

1. The name of the attorney and the name or designation under which contracts are issued. The name or designation may not be so similar to any name or designation adopted by any attorney or any insurance organization in the United States which was writing the same class of insurance prior to the adoption of the name or designation as to confuse or deceive.
2. The kind or kinds of insurance to be effected or exchanged.
3. A copy of the form of policy, contract, or agreement under or by which such insurance is to be effected or exchanged.
4. A copy of the form of the power of attorney or other authority of the attorney under which the insurance is to be effected or exchanged.
5. The location of the office from which the contracts or agreements are to be issued.
6. That applications have been made for indemnity upon at least one hundred separate risks aggregating not less than one million five hundred thousand dollars as represented by executed contracts or bona fide applications to become concurrently effective.
7. That assets conforming to section 26.1-09-08 are in the possession of the attorney and are available for payment of losses.

N.D.C.C. § 26.1-09-04