Section 23-17.3-09 - Inspections - Required information1. The department is authorized to conduct periodic inspections of the facilities of licensed home health agencies with respect to fitness and adequacy of equipment, personnel, rules and bylaws, standards of service and medical care, plans of treatment, records, and other standards of licensure.2. Any home health agency which provides or makes available any home health services to the public in this state, in any organized program developed or rendered under its auspices or provided under contract with any other person, shall submit annually to the department a complete description of that home health agency's operation, including name, address, location, or principal place of business, ownership, identification of administrative personnel responsible for home health services, and the nature and extent of the programs. The department shall determine the form and content of the information compiled and the annual date for submission of information. The department shall make the information available to the appropriate governmental agencies of the state so as to make known the availability of home health services to provide data for planning and for health needs of the people of the state. The information must be available to the public and to the health systems agencies.