Section 23-06.5-05.1 - Suggested health care directive formA health care directive may include provisions consistent with this chapter, including:
1. The designation of one or more alternate agents to act if the named agent is not reasonably available to serve;2. Directions to joint agents regarding the process or standards by which the agents are to reach a health care decision for the principal, and a statement whether joint agents may act independently of one another;3. Limitations, if any, on the right of the agent or any alternate agents to receive, review, obtain copies of, and consent to the disclosure of the principal's medical records;4. Limitations, if any, on the nomination of the agent as guardian under chapter 30.1-28;5. A document of gift for the purpose of making an anatomical gift, as set forth in chapter 23-06.6 or an amendment to, revocation of, or refusal to make an anatomical gift;6. Limitations, if any, regarding the effect of dissolution or annulment of marriage on the appointment of an agent;7. Health care instructions regarding artificially administered nutrition or hydration; and8. The designation of an agent authorized to make health care decisions for the principal even though the principal retains the capacity to make health care decisions.