N.D. Cent. Code § 19-08-04
The department may require manufacturers, importers, jobbers, or other retailers to furnish suitable samples to the department for inspection and chemical analysis. If any beverage does not meet all requirements of law, the department shall refuse to license the beverage and shall prevent sale of the beverage. The license fee must be paid annually during the month of December or before placing the beverage on the market. The license expires December thirty-first next following its issuance. If the manufacturer or jobber secures a license for a product, subsequent sellers, including retailers and dispensers, need not again secure a license for the same product, and no dispenser may be required to secure a license for a product prepared for the dispenser's own use from a product already licensed. The department may adopt rules establishing the amount and the procedures for the collection of annual license fees. License fees collected pursuant to this section must be deposited in the department's operating fund in the state treasury and any expenditure from the fund is subject to appropriation by the legislative assembly.
N.D.C.C. § 19-08-04