N.D. Cent. Code § 19-01-09
For obtaining information regarding suspected violations of any provision contained in this title, the department, its inspectors and agents, shall have free access to all places, except private homes, and all vehicles of transportation where and in which any of the products, articles, compositions, or things designated in any chapter in this title are manufactured, stored, sold, exposed for sale, prepared for sale, held, or transported. Such inspectors and other agents of the department may open any car, vehicle, package, can, jar, tub, tank, or other receptacle containing any such product, articles, composition, or thing, for the purpose of inspection, and may take therefrom such sample as may be required to permit such contents to be inspected and analyzed, upon paying or offering to pay to the person entitled thereto the full value of the sample so taken. Agents, bookkeepers, transportation officers, and other employees connected with or having control over any place or vehicle in which any such products, articles, compositions, or things, are manufactured, stored, sold, exposed for sale, prepared for sale, held, or transported, shall render all assistance and aid within their power to inspectors and agents of the department in carrying out the provisions of any chapter contained in this title. Any person obstructing any such agent or inspector of the department in making the entry or inspection or in taking the samples authorized under the provisions of this section or failing upon request to assist therein is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
N.D.C.C. § 19-01-09