N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-09-02
Every candidate for elective office shall sign and file the statement of interests as required by this chapter. In a year when a president and vice president of the United States are to be chosen, presidential and vice presidential candidates shall file with the secretary of state either a statement of interests as required by this chapter or a copy of the personal disclosure statement that is required by the federal election commission. Candidates for elective office who are required to file such statements shall do so with the filing officer for that election at the time of filing a certificate of nomination, a certificate of endorsement, a petition of nomination, or a certificate of write-in candidacy, pursuant to chapter 16.1-11, 16.1-12, or 40-21, as is appropriate. An individual who has filed a statement as the result of candidacy in a primary election need not refile before running in the following general election. A write-in candidate who is not required to file a certificate of write-in candidacy shall file the statement of interests after the candidate's election at the time of filing the required oath of office. Every individual who is appointed by the governor to a state agency, board, bureau, commission, department, or occupational or professional licensing board shall file a statement of interests as required by this chapter with the secretary of state simultaneously with announcement of the appointment. A filing officer may not include a candidate's name on the ballot if an error is discovered on the statement and the candidate is unable to or refuses to make the necessary correction before the sixty-fourth day before the election.
N.D.C.C. § 16.1-09-02