- Section 11-11-01 - Number of county commissioners
- Section 11-11-02 - Commissioner must be resident of district - Exceptions
- Section 11-11-03 - Term of office of commissioners
- Section 11-11-03.1 - Commissioners' service on other boards - Term
- Section 11-11-04 - Specific provisions to be contained in bond of county commissioners
- Section 11-11-05 - Meetings of board - Time and place - Pledge of allegiance
- Section 11-11-05.1 - Joint meetings of boards of county commissioners for consideration of levies of taxing districts in multiple counties
- Section 11-11-06 - Sessions of board to be public - County matters heard at session only
- Section 11-11-07 - Quorum - Tie vote defers decision
- Section 11-11-08 - Chairman - Election - Duties
- Section 11-11-09 - County seal
- Section 11-11-10 - Power of board to preserve order - Fines - Collection
- Section 11-11-11 - General duties of board of county commissioners
- Section 11-11-12 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-13 - Board to ascertain amount of satisfaction of tax lien money
- Section 11-11-14 - Powers of board of county commissioners
- Section 11-11-15 - Board may obtain copies of field notes and plats made by United States government
- Section 11-11-16 - Board has power to erect, repair, and maintain buildings from current revenue
- Section 11-11-17 - Board of county commissioners may supervise the building or repairing of roads, bridges, and property of the county - Compensation
- Section 11-11-18 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-19 - When commissioners may purchase land without election
- Section 11-11-19.1 - Lease purchase - Building authority
- Section 11-11-20 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-21 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-22 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-23 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-24 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-25 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-25.1 - Disposition of unexpended and unencumbered county taxes levied for a specific purpose
- Section 11-11-26 - When board shall advertise for bids for fuel
- Section 11-11-27 - Contents of fuel bids advertisement - When bids may be opened - Lowest bidder accepted
- Section 11-11-28 - Bid must be accompanied by a bond - When certified or cashier's check allowed
- Section 11-11-29 - Contract - Form - Contents - Majority vote necessary - When payment made
- Section 11-11-30 - When contracts for furnishing election supplies let
- Section 11-11-31 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-32 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-33 - Special funds may be transferred
- Section 11-11-34 - Auditing building accounts of board of county commissioners
- Section 11-11-35 - Board to keep records of proceedings
- Section 11-11-36 - Order of business
- Section 11-11-37 - Proceedings of board of county commissioners to be published in official newspaper - When published
- Section 11-11-38 - Proceedings of county commissioners - Copies received as evidence
- Section 11-11-39 - Appeal from decision of board by aggrieved person - Bond - Costs and fees payable
- Section 11-11-40 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-41 - Notice
- Section 11-11-42 - When appeal filed - When tried
- Section 11-11-43 - Appeals docketed - Procedure
- Section 11-11-44 - District court may enter final judgment on appeal - Enforcement
- Section 11-11-45 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-46 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-47 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-48 - Property in county not subject to seizure for judgment
- Section 11-11-49 - Board may offer reward
- Section 11-11-50 - Former members of armed services' room in courthouses
- Section 11-11-51 - Petitions to board of county commissioners - Qualifications of signers
- Section 11-11-52 - Board may provide room for historical society
- Section 11-11-53 - Appropriation for historical works - Authorization of tax levy - Approval of state historical society and attorney general
- Section 11-11-53.1 - Donation of historical artifacts
- Section 11-11-54 - Nonprofit fair corporations - Receipt of real or personal property for fair purposes
- Section 11-11-55 - County may agree to make improvements on private roads - Costs of improvements to constitute lien on real estate
- Section 11-11-55.1 - Petition or resolution for improvements - Levy of special assessments - Levy of infrastructure fee
- Section 11-11-56 - Comprehensive health planning by counties and county funding of areawide comprehensive health planning
- Section 11-11-57 - Counties may cooperate in predatory animal and injurious rodent control
- Section 11-11-57.1 - Funds available for predatory control
- Section 11-11-58 - Programs and activities for senior citizens - Expenditure of funds
- Section 11-11-59 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-60 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-61 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-62 - County restriction of adult establishments - Definitions
- Section 11-11-63 - Spouse abuse programs - Expenditure of funds
- Section 11-11-64 - Bond guarantee fund - Purpose - Limitations
- Section 11-11-65 - Programs and activities for handicapped persons - Expenditure of funds
- Section 11-11-66 - [Repealed]
- Section 11-11-67 - Programs and activities of nonprofit organizations that assist the arts - Expenditure of funds
- Section 11-11-68 - Limitation on authority - Seed
- Section 11-11-69 - Cooperative purchasing - Authorized
- Section 11-11-70 - [Expired effective 8/1/2025] Development by a foreign adversary - Prohibition