Section 10-30-08 - Nonstockholder members - Loan limitation1. The nonstockholder members of the corporation are those national or state banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations, trust companies, stock or mutual insurance companies, the Bank of North Dakota, credit unions, and other financial institutions that apply for membership in the corporation, and membership becomes effective upon the acceptance of the application by the board of directors. Each member of the corporation shall lend money to the corporation when called upon by it to do so on the terms and other conditions as are approved from time to time by a majority of the directors.2. The total amount of loans by any member at any one time shall not exceed the following limit, determined on the basis of the balance sheet of that member at the close of its second preceding fiscal year, as certified by its proper officers:a. For commercial banks and trust companies and the Bank of North Dakota, two and one-half percent of capital and surplus.b. For savings banks, two and one-half percent of one-half of the total surplus accounts.c. For savings and loan associations and credit unions, two and one-half percent of the guaranty funds, surplus, and undivided profits.d. For stock insurance companies, two and one-half percent of the capital and surplus.e. For mutual insurance companies, two and one-half percent of the guaranty funds or of the surplus, whichever is applicable.f. For other nonstockholder members, comparable limits approved by the board of directors.3. All loan limits must be established at the thousand dollar amount nearest to the amount computed in accordance with subsection 2. All calls of funds which nonstockholder members are committed to lend to the corporation must be prorated by the corporation among the nonstockholder members in the same proportion that the individual lines of credit bear to the aggregate lines of credit. Upon sixty days' written notice, a member of the corporation may withdraw from membership in the corporation at the expiration date of the notice, and after that expiration date, is free of obligations except those accrued before the expiration date.