Article 9 - BEES
- Section 76-9-1 - Short title
- Section 76-9-2 - Definitions
- Section 76-9-3 - Powers of board and department
- Section 76-9-4 - Contagious disease; duty to prevent
- Section 76-9-5 - Inspection; access; interference
- Section 76-9-6 - Inspection certificates
- Section 76-9-7 - Diseased colonies
- Section 76-9-8 - Abandoned colonies
- Section 76-9-9 - Location of apiaries
- Section 76-9-10 - Registration of commercial apiaries
- Section 76-9-11 - Importation of bees
- Section 76-9-12 - Disposition of funds
- Section 76-9-13 - Penalties; bond