Section 76-7-8 - Qualified voters in district electionsA. At any election for the consideration of a proposed noxious weed control district, only the following persons shall be eligible voters: (1) all persons who are owners of agricultural land within the district or have evidence of title to the lands or who are purchasers under contract of lands within the district;(2) all resident entrymen of federal public lands and lessees of state agricultural lands within the district;(3) any authorized officer or agent of a corporation owning land within the proposed district. He may cast the ballot of the corporation in all weed control district elections;(4) all minors who are the owners of agricultural land within the district and who are entitled to vote under the provisions of the Noxious Weed Control Act [76-7-1 to 76-7-22 NMSA 1978]. Their vote shall be cast by their father, mother or duly appointed guardian in the order named, and if they have no father, mother or duly appointed guardian, the minor may cast his own ballot; and(5) any owner of agricultural lands in the district voting by proxy. A landowner may have his vote cast at any election by another person entitled to vote in the election, and whom he may appoint as his proxy. Designation of a proxy for the purposes of district voting shall be in writing and signed by the person authorizing the proxy. Every proxy shall be attached to and deposited with the ballot cast by the designated voter, and the ballot shall be signed in the name of the person authorizing the proxy and the proxy himself. Each proxy shall contain an official acknowledgment duly signed by a person authorized to take acknowledgments in this state.B. The general election laws of the state, insofar as applicable, except for the requirements for registration under Section 3-2-49 NMSA 1953 [repealed] and residence in state, county and precinct under Section 3-2-51 NMSA 1953 [repealed] and except as otherwise provided in the Noxious Weed Control Act, shall govern all elections under the Noxious Weed Control Act.1953 Comp., § 45-10-9, enacted by Laws 1959, ch. 243, § 8.