Section 76-6B-6 - Director; duties and powersA. The director shall:(1) determine any critically infested or threatened agricultural areas within New Mexico, hold public hearings within the proposed pink bollworm control district determined to be critically infested or at risk and provide technical support and advice in the formulation of plans for the control or eradication of such infestation;(2) estimate the cost of the proposed hearings and referendum for the creation or abolishment of a pink bollworm control district and prepare a budget for the petitioners who shall remit to the director the amount of the cost within thirty days of receiving it;(3) within sixty days after a petition has been filed and payment of the cost received, publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the proposed pink bollworm control district of the proposed hearings;(4) send a copy of the public hearing notice directly to the organic commodity commission [New Mexico department of agriculture], at least fourteen days prior to the date of the hearing; and(5) after the public hearing, based on facts and other relevant data, determine if there is a need for the creation or abolishment of a pink bollworm control district and if the need is sufficient to justify the holding of a referendum.B. The director may not take action on a second petition relating to the same locale within one year from the date the director denies the need for establishment or abolishment of a pink bollworm control district.