Section 74-9-6 - Plan; required provisionsThe plan shall include at least the following elements:
A. a waste characterization element that identifies the constituent materials, including but not limited to type, quantity and source, that compose solid waste generated or disposed of, or both, within the state; B. a source reduction element that identifies types, quantities and toxicities of solid waste to be reduced, mechanisms to stimulate and enhance reduction, including the impacts on generation of solid waste of packaging, rate structures for collection and disposal economic incentives, and a program implementation schedule to meet the goal stated in Subsection J of this section; C. a recycling element that identifies types and quantities of recyclable materials, evaluates and quantifies current levels of recycling efforts in New Mexico, and describes, evaluates and identifies the current and future market structure for recycling, including procurement preferences for recycled materials, and a program implementation schedule to meet the goal stated in Subsection J of this section; D. a composting element that identifies both the types and quantities of solid waste that are and those that could be composted, procurement preferences for composted products, a description of the methods and facilities needed to implement the composting element and a program implementation schedule to meet the goal stated in Subsection J of this section; E. a solid waste facility capacity element that identifies, for each solid waste district, current landfill disposal capacity and projects the quantity of landfill disposal space that will have to be permitted to maintain an average landfill disposal capacity that will be needed to manage the quantity of solid waste projected to be generated over the next ten years from sources both within and outside of the state, reduced by source reduction, recycling, composting and other programs; F. an education and public information element that identifies existing public information and education programs and describes how the state will increase awareness of and cooperation of the public in environmentally safe solid waste management; G. a funding element that includes a projected cost of implementation of the plan and recommendations for developing revenue sources for plan implementation to meet the goal stated in Subsection J of this section; H. a special waste and household hazardous waste element that identifies types and quantities of those categories of and recommends methods for waste handling, collecting, transporting and disposing of those wastes; identifies existing and future strategies for managing those wastes; and includes an implementation schedule to meet the goal stated in Subsection J of this section; I. a siting element that locates and provides a description of areas that could be used for development of adequate transformation or landfill disposal capacity concurrent and consistent with the development and implementation of the plan; and J. a goal to divert twenty-five percent of all solid waste from solid waste disposal facilities by July 1, 1995, and fifty percent of all solid waste by July 1, 2000, with a base rate of disposal calculated by multiplying the population of the state by four pounds per person per day for the period used as the base period.