Section 74-6-5.1 - Disclosure statementsA. The commission by regulation may require every applicant for a permit to dispose or use septage or sludge, or within a source category designated by the commission, to file with the appropriate constituent agency a disclosure statement. The disclosure statement shall be submitted on a form developed by the commission and the department of public safety. The commission in cooperation with the department of public safety shall determine the information to be contained in the disclosure statement. The disclosure statement shall be submitted to the constituent agency at the same time that the applicant files an application for a permit pursuant to Section 74-6-5 NMSA 1978. The commission shall adopt regulations designating additional categories of sources subject to the disclosure requirements of this section as it deems appropriate and necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. B. Upon a request by the constituent agency, the department of public safety shall prepare and transmit to the constituent agency an investigative report on the applicant within ninety days after the department of public safety receives an administratively complete disclosure statement prepared by the applicant for a permit. The investigative report shall be based in part upon the disclosure statement. The ninety-day deadline for preparing the investigative report may be extended by the constituent agency for a reasonable period of time for good cause. The department of public safety in preparing the investigative report may request and receive criminal history information from any other law enforcement agency or organization. The constituent agency may also request information regarding a person who will be or could reasonably be expected to be involved in management activities of the permitted facility or a person who has a controlling interest in a permitted facility. The information received from a law enforcement agency shall be kept confidential by the department of public safety to the extent that confidentiality is imposed by the law enforcement agency as a condition for providing the information to the constituent agency or the commission. C. All persons required to file a disclosure statement shall provide any assistance or information requested by the constituent agency or the department of public safety and shall cooperate in any inquiry or investigation conducted by the department of public safety. If a person required to file a disclosure statement refuses to comply with a formal request to answer an inquiry or produce information, evidence or testimony, the application of the applicant or the permit of the permittee shall be denied or terminated by the constituent agency. D. If the information required to be included in the disclosure statement changes or if additional information should be added after the filing of the disclosure statement, the person required to file the disclosure statement shall provide the information to the constituent agency in writing within thirty days after the change or addition. Failure to provide the information within thirty days shall constitute the basis for the termination of a permit or denial of an application for a permit. Prior to terminating a permit or denying an application for a permit, the constituent agency shall notify the permittee or applicant of the constituent agency's intent to terminate a permit or deny an application and the constituent agency shall give the permittee or applicant fourteen days from the date of notice to satisfactorily explain why the information was not provided within the thirty-day period. The constituent agency shall consider the explanation of the permittee or applicant when determining whether to terminate the permit or deny the application for a permit. E. No person shall be required to submit the disclosure statement required by this section if: (1) the application is for a facility owned and operated by the state, a political subdivision of the state or an agency of the federal government or for the permitted disposal or use of septage or sludge on the premises where the sludge or septage is generated; (2) the person has submitted a disclosure statement pursuant to this section within the previous year and no changes have occurred that would require disclosure under Subsection D of this section; or (3) the person is a corporation or an officer, director or shareholder of that corporation and that corporation: (a) has on file and in effect with the federal securities and exchange commission a registration statement required by Section 5, Chapter 38, Title 1 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended; (b) submits to the constituent agency with the application for a permit evidence of the registration described in Subparagraph (a) of this subsection and a copy of the corporation's most recent annual form 10-K or an equivalent report; and (c) submits to the constituent agency on the anniversary date of the issuance of the permit evidence of registration described in Subparagraph (a) of this subsection and a copy of the corporation's most recent annual form 10-K or an equivalent report. F. Permit decisions made pursuant to this section shall be subject to the procedures established in Section 74-6-5 NMSA 1978, including notice and appeals. Laws 1993, ch. 291, § 12.