Section 74-10-5 - Creation of a solid waste authority; boardAny county or contiguous counties and any municipality or municipalities desiring to create a solid waste authority board for the purposes of petitioning to the county special district commission pursuant to the Special District Procedures Act [4-53-1 to 4-53-11 NMSA 1978] for the creation of a solid waste authority may, by joint resolution, agree to the creation of a solid waste authority board. Each county or contiguous counties or any municipality or municipalities having adopted such a resolution shall make appointments to said boards as follows:
A. The county chairman, with the advice and consent of the county commissioners, shall appoint three members; B. The mayor or chief elected executive officer of each municipality shall appoint two members each; C. In the event that there are an even number of board members appointed, those board members having been appointed as provided above shall select one additional board member. After taking oath and filing bonds, the board shall choose one of its members as chairman of the board and president of the authority, and shall elect a secretary and a treasurer of the board and of the authority, who may or may not be members of the board. The secretary and treasurer may be one person. Such board shall adopt a seal and the secretary shall keep, in a well-bound book, a record of all its proceedings, minutes of all meetings, certificates, contracts, bonds given by employees and all corporate acts which shall be open to inspection by all owners of real property in the authority as well as to all other interested parties.