N.M. Stat. § 69-5-14
When any mine or portion of a mine or machine, device, apparatus or equipment pertaining to a mine, in the judgment of the state mine inspector, is in so dangerous a condition from any cause or creates such a hazard as to jeopardize life or health, the state mine inspector shall at once direct the management or operator of the mine to remove the dangerous condition or safeguard the equipment. Should the state mine inspector find during inspection of the mine a dangerous condition existing in the mine that might cause loss of life or serious personal injury to the employees, the state mine inspector has the right to require the operator to immediately withdraw all persons from the dangerous places or from the entire mine. In the event the operator fails or refuses to immediately comply with the requirements or instructions of the state mine inspector, the state mine inspector shall issue an order closing all or any portion of the mine to regular operations and notify a representative of the miners and the mine safety and health administration immediately.
NMS § 69-5-14