Section 60-2F-26 - ExemptionsA. Except as provided in Subsection B of this section, nothing in the New Mexico Bingo and Raffle Act shall be construed to apply to:(1) a drawing or a prize at a fair or fiesta held in New Mexico under the sponsorship or authority of the state or any of its political subdivisions, or for the benefit of a religious organization situated in this state or for charitable purposes when all the proceeds of the sale or drawing shall be expended within New Mexico for the benefit of that political subdivision, religious organization or charitable purpose; or(2) a bingo or a raffle held by a qualified organization that holds no more than one bingo occasion or one raffle in any three consecutive calendar months and not exceeding four occasions in one calendar year.B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A of this section, no raffle with an individual prize exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) shall be held without a ten-day prior notification to the board of the conduct of the event and a subsequent notification to the board of the names, addresses and phone numbers of all prize winners.C. Nothing in the New Mexico Bingo and Raffle Act shall be construed to apply to a lottery established and operated pursuant to the New Mexico Lottery Act [Chapter 6, Article 24 NMSA 1978] or gaming that is licensed and operated pursuant to the Gaming Control Act [Chapter 60, Article 2E NMSA 1978].