- Section 53-4-1 - Definitions
- Section 53-4-1.1 - Short title
- Section 53-4-2 - Who may incorporate
- Section 53-4-3 - Purposes
- Section 53-4-4 - Powers
- Section 53-4-5 - Articles of incorporation; contents
- Section 53-4-6 - Articles of incorporation; filing; recordation; fees
- Section 53-4-6.1 - Registered office and registered agent
- Section 53-4-6.2 - Change of registered office or registered agent
- Section 53-4-6.3 - Service of process on association
- Section 53-4-6.4 - Recompiled
- Section 53-4-7 - Articles of incorporation; amendments; fee
- Section 53-4-8 - Adoption, amendment, or repeal of by-laws [bylaws]
- Section 53-4-9 - Contents of by-laws [bylaws]
- Section 53-4-9.1 - Indemnification of officers and directors
- Section 53-4-10 - Regular and special meetings
- Section 53-4-11 - Notice of meeting
- Section 53-4-12 - Meetings by units of the membership
- Section 53-4-13 - One member - one vote
- Section 53-4-14 - No proxy
- Section 53-4-15 - Voting by mail
- Section 53-4-16 - Application of voting provisions herein to voting by mail
- Section 53-4-17 - Application of voting provisions herein to voting by delegates
- Section 53-4-18 - Directors
- Section 53-4-18.1 - Duties of directors
- Section 53-4-18.2 - Liability of directors
- Section 53-4-18.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 53-4-19 - Officers
- Section 53-4-20 - Removal of directors and officers
- Section 53-4-21 - Referendum
- Section 53-4-21.1 - Disposition of property
- Section 53-4-22 - Limitations on interest-dividends
- Section 53-4-23 - Eligibility and admission to membership
- Section 53-4-24 - Subscribers
- Section 53-4-25 - Share and membership certificates; issuance and contents
- Section 53-4-26 - Transfer of shares and membership; withdrawal
- Section 53-4-27 - Share and membership certificates; recall
- Section 53-4-28 - Share and membership certificates; attachment
- Section 53-4-29 - Liability of members
- Section 53-4-30 - Expulsion
- Section 53-4-31 - Allocation and distribution of net savings
- Section 53-4-32 - Bonding
- Section 53-4-33 - Books; auditing
- Section 53-4-34 - Annual report
- Section 53-4-35 - Notice of delinquent reports; forfeitures; reinstatement
- Section 53-4-36 - Voluntary dissolution
- Section 53-4-37 - Use of name "cooperative"; penalty
- Section 53-4-38 - Promotion expenses; limitations; penalty
- Section 53-4-39 - Spreading false reports; penalty
- Section 53-4-40 - Existing cooperative corporations
- Section 53-4-41 - Foreign corporations
- Section 53-4-42 - Legality declared; not in restraint of trade
- Section 53-4-43 - Laws not applicable
- Section 53-4-44 - Subsequent laws
- Section 53-4-45 - Taxation