- Section 50-6-1 - Children under fourteen; employment prohibited
- Section 50-6-1.1 - Short title
- Section 50-6-2 - Work permit for children fourteen to sixteen
- Section 50-6-3 - Maximum hours for children fourteen to sixteen
- Section 50-6-4 - Prohibited occupations for children under sixteen; exceptions
- Section 50-6-5 - Prohibited occupations for children under eighteen
- Section 50-6-6 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-6-7 - Work permit; issuance; authorized officials; application; contents; proof; copies; maximum term
- Section 50-6-8 - Renewal of work permits
- Section 50-6-9 - Employer's records; form of permits
- Section 50-6-10 - Inspection of work permits, records and premises by the labor and industrial division of the labor department
- Section 50-6-11 - Habitual presence of child under sixteen at a place of work during school hours; prima facie evidence of employment
- Section 50-6-12 - Penalties
- Section 50-6-13 - District court jurisdiction
- Section 50-6-14 - State child labor inspector; appointment; direction; qualifications
- Section 50-6-15 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-6-16 - [Repealed]
- Section 50-6-17 - Exceptions
- Section 50-6-18 - Children working in the performing arts
- Section 50-6-19 - Children employed in the performing arts; trust account; requirements