Section 35-15-3 - Procedure; commitmentA. In any action for the violation of any ordinance in which an arrest has not been made, a warrant for the arrest of the defendant may issue in the first instance upon the affidavit of any person making a complaint that he has reasonable grounds to believe the party charged is guilty. Any person arrested upon such warrant shall, without unnecessary delay, be taken before the proper officer to be tried for the alleged offense or be allowed to post an appropriate bond.B. Any municipality may provide by ordinance that the first process shall be a citation or summons in cases involving violations of any municipal ordinance not amounting to a breach of the peace, requiring the party charged to appear before the municipal court at a time fixed in the citation or summons. The ordinance may also provide that, upon the failure of the party charged to appear, a warrant for his arrest shall immediately issue by the municipal judge for the offense specified in the citation or summons, commanding that the party charged shall be arrested and proceedings had as in the case when arrest is made upon a warrant issued upon affidavit as provided in Subsection A of this section.C. Any person upon whom any fine or penalty is imposed may, upon order of the court convicting him, be committed to the county jail, municipal jail, detention facility or other place provided by the municipality for the incarceration of offenders until the fine or penalty is fully paid. The period of incarceration shall not exceed sixty days for any one offense except as authorized in Subsection C of Section 3-17-1 NMSA 1978. The municipal governing body may provide by ordinance that every person so committed shall work for the municipal corporation, at such labor as his strength will permit, within or without the jail or other place provided for the incarceration, not exceeding ten hours each working day. Each offender shall be credited with eight times the federal hourly minimum wage per day in reduction of any fine.Laws 1884, ch. 39, § 19; C.L. 1884, § 1627; C.L. 1897, § 2407; Code 1915, § 3628; C.S. 1929, § 90-908; 1941 Comp., § 39-203; 1953 Comp., § 38-1-3; Laws 1959, ch. 169, § 3; 1961, ch. 209, § 1; 1963, ch. 11, § 1; 1987, ch. 92, § 2; 2001, ch. 170, § 2.