Section 33-1-19 - Use of fundsA. The funds created in or pursuant to Section 33-1-18 NMSA 1978 shall be used by the corrections department or the board of finance for the purpose of acquiring, designing, constructing or equipping, by lease or lease-purchase, or by financing the ownership by the corrections department through the issuance of bonds or other obligations by the corrections department or the board of finance, or other means, a corrections department central office complex, a personnel training academy, a special incarceration alternative facility, correctional facilities or any combination of these facilities, and for paying the expenses relating to the lease, lease-purchase or financing of these facilities. Before any of the funds created in Section 33-1-18 NMSA 1978 may be used for any such purpose, the state board of finance shall approve the proposed facility and the proposed use of the funds. B. The funds created in or pursuant to Section 33-1-18 NMSA 1978 shall be used so that available appropriations are devoted to the following projects: (1) payment for the corrections department central office complex; (2) a correctional facility in Guadalupe county of not less than five hundred fifty and not more than two thousand two hundred beds; (3) a correctional facility in Lea, Chaves or Santa Fe county of not less than one thousand two hundred and not more than two thousand two hundred beds; and (4) design and construction of a support services building, a laundry and an infirmary at the penitentiary of New Mexico in Santa Fe. C. The use of funds designated in Subsection B of this section for a correctional facility in Guadalupe county and a correctional facility in Lea, Chaves or Santa Fe county is contingent upon construction of both facilities, so that one of the facilities shall not be constructed unless both of the facilities are constructed, as nearly as possible, simultaneously. D. Any balance at the end of any fiscal year in the special funds created in Section 33-1-18 NMSA 1978 that are not needed to pay leases, loans, bonds or other financing instruments in that fiscal year may be appropriated by the legislature for expenditure in succeeding fiscal years by the corrections department for corrections purposes. Laws 1990 (1st S.S.), ch. 5, § 2; 1995, ch. 43, § 1; 1995, ch. 215, § 4.