Section 32A-5-26 - Petition; contentA petition for adoption shall be filed and verified by the petitioner and shall allege:
A. the full name, age and place and duration of residence of the petitioner and, if married, the place and date of marriage; the date and place of any prior marriage, separation or divorce; and the name of any present or prior spouse;B. the date and place of birth of the adoptee, if known;C. the places where the adoptee has lived within the past three years and the names and addresses of the persons with whom the adoptee has lived, unless the adoptee is in the custody of an agency or the department, in which case the petitioner shall state the name and address of the agency or the department's county office from which the child was placed;D. the birth name of the adoptee, any other names by which the adoptee has been known and the adoptee's proposed new name; provided that in the case of an agency adoption, if the petitioner and the biological parents have not agreed to the release of the adoptee's identity to the other person, the birth name and any other names by which the adoptee has been known shall be filed with the court as separate documents at the time the petition is filed;E. where the adoptee is residing at the time of the filing of the petition and, if the adoptee is not living with the petitioner, when the adoptee will commence living with the petitioner;F. that the petitioner desires to establish a parent and child relationship with the adoptee and that the petitioner is a fit and proper person able to care and provide for the adoptee's welfare;G. the existence of any court orders, including placement orders, that are known to the petitioner and that regulate custody, visitation or access to the adoptee, copies of which shall accompany and be attached to the petition as exhibits;H. the relationship, if any, of the petitioner to the adoptee;I. the name and address of the placing agency, if any;J. the names and addresses of all persons from whom consents or relinquishments are required, attaching copies of those obtained and alleging the facts that excuse or imply the consents or relinquishments of the others; provided that if the petitioner has not agreed to the release of the petitioner's identity to the parent or if the parent has not agreed to the release of the parent's identity to the petitioner, the names and addresses of all persons from whom consents or relinquishments are required shall be filed with the court as separate documents at the time the petition for adoption is filed;K. whether the adoption will be an open adoption, pursuant to the provisions of Section 32A-5-35 NMSA 1978;L. when consent of the child's father is alleged to be unnecessary, the results of a search of the putative father registry;M. whether the adoptee is an Indian child;N. whether the adoption is subject to the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children [32A-11-1 NMSA 1978] and, if so, a copy of the interstate compact form indicating approval shall be attached as an exhibit to the petition;O. whether the adoptee is foreign-born and, if so, copies of the child's passport and United States visa and of all documents demonstrating that the adoptee is legally free for adoption, including a certificate from the United States secretary of state that certifies that the adoption is a convention adoption;P. whether the adoption is a convention adoption and, if so, the petition shall allege: (1) that the country in which the child has been residing is a party to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption;(2) that the agency or person who is providing the adoption service has been approved as an accrediting entity; and(3) that the certificate issued by the United States secretary of state that certifies the adoption as a convention adoption has been filed with the court; andQ. the name, address and telephone number of the agency or individual who has agreed to conduct the post-placement report in accordance with Section 32A-5-31 NMSA 1978, if different than the agency or individual who prepared the pre-placement study in accordance with Section 32A-5-13 NMSA 1978.1978 Comp., § 32A-5-26, enacted by Laws 1993, ch. 77, § 153; 1995, ch. 206, § 38; 2003, ch. 294, § 4; 2003, ch. 321, § 4.Amended by 2022, c. 41,s. 64, eff. 7/1/2022.