N.M. Stat. § 19-10A-4
The commissioner of public lands may offer from time to time, for such period as he may determine, by competitive bidding, upon notice and advertisement on sealed bids, a portion or all of the state carbon dioxide. The advertisement and sale shall reserve to the commissioner of public lands the right to reject all bids whenever in his judgment the interest of the state demands. In cases where no satisfactory bid is received or where the commissioner of public lands shall determine that it is not in the best interests of the state lands trust or of the public to accept the offer of the highest bidder, the commissioner of public lands, within his discretion, may readvertise the state carbon dioxide for sale, sell it at a private sale at not less than the market price for such period or accept the cash value thereof from the lessee. The interests of the state lands trust and its beneficiaries shall be accorded primacy in the sale or disposition of the carbon dioxide hereunder. Should any provision of the carbon dioxide royalty law conflict with this section, this section shall prevail.
NMS § 19-10A-4