Chapter A:3
- Section App.A:3-1 - Definitions
- Section App.A:3-2 - Grants or loans; application and acceptance
- Section App.A:3-3 - Authorization by resolution; referendum
- Section App.A:3-4 - Bond issue; form of statement; publication of resolution
- Section App.A:3-5 - Financing projects; municipal bonds authorized; special assessments as liens
- Section App.A:3-6 - Sale of bonds to federal government
- Section App.A:3-7 - Municipality may contract with federal government
- Section App.A:3-8 - Sale of securities to federal government
- Section App.A:3-9 - Form, terms and conditions of bonds, notes or other instruments
- Section App.A:3-10 - Other legislation not affected
- Section App.A:3-11 - Pending proceedings under other law; continuance
- Section App.A:3-12 - Intent and construction of act; partial invalidity
- Section App.A:3-13 - Effective date
- Section App.A:3-14 - Paying off refunding bonds; specific appropriations
- Section App.A:3-15 - Approval of budget or tax ordinance by state auditor; expenses of audit
- Section App.A:3-16 - Trust fund to meet payments
- Section App.A:3-17 - Effect of act as contract; enforcement
- Section App.A:3-18 - Powers, duties and obligations cumulative; tax rate
- Section App.A:3-19 - Effective date
- Section App.A:3-20 - Application for federal grant for new armories, additions and alterations authorized
- Section App.A:3-21 - Existing sites may be used; expenditures authorized
- Section App.A:3-22 - Effective date
- Section App.A:3-23 - Amount of federal grant for which quartermaster general may apply, increased
- Section App.A:3-24 - Existing sites may be used; expenditures authorized
- Section App.A:3-25 - Effective date
- Section App.A:3-26 - Appropriation for engineering, architectural and supervision services; limitation
- Section App.A:3-27 - Effective date
- Section App.A:3-28 - State appropriations or balances for armory purposes may be combined and treated as unit
- Section App.A:3-29 - Effective date
- Section App.A:3-30 - Applications for funds
- Section App.A:3-31 - Contracts by State Highway Commissioner with federal government
- Section App.A:3-32 - Contract apportioning costs on State aid county or municipal road or bridge; raising of funds by municipalities
- Section App.A:3-33 - Expenditure of highway funds on project within State highway system; transfer of funds; substitution of projects
- Section App.A:3-34 - Partial invalidity
- Section App.A:3-35 - Appointments or assignments to employment from relief rolls; exception
- Section App.A:3-36 - Award of contracts after advertising; statements in advertisement
- Section App.A:3-37 - Application of supplementary act
- Section App.A:3-38 - Use of allotted funds as sponsor's share of any project undertaken
- Section App.A:3-39 - Waiver of statutory provisions for matching funds