N.J. Stat. § 58:31-2
As used in P.L. 2017, c. 133(C.58:31-1 et seq.):
"Board" means the Board of Public Utilities.
"Cybersecurity incident" means an event occurring on or conducted through a computer network that jeopardizes the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of computers, information systems, communications systems, networks, physical or virtual infrastructure controlled by computers or information systems, or information residing thereon.
"Cybersecurity insurance policy" means an insurance policy designed to mitigate losses from cybersecurity incidents, including, but not limited to, data breaches, business interruption, and network damage.
"Department" means the Department of Environmental Protection.
"Industrial control system" means an information system used to control industrial processes such as manufacturing, product handling, production, or distribution.
"Industrial control system" includes supervisory control and data acquisition systems used to control geographically dispersed assets, and distributed control systems and smaller control systems using programmable logic controllers to control localized processes.
"Information resource" means information and related resources, such as personnel, equipment, funds, and information technology.
"Information system" means a discrete set of information resources organized for the collection, processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination, or disposition of information.
"New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell" means the New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell established pursuant to Executive Order No. 178 (2015) in the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, or any successor entity.
"Public community water system" means the same as that term is defined in subsection l. of section 3 of P.L. 1977, c.224 (C.58:12A-3).
"Public water system" means the same as the term is defined in section 3 of P.L. 1977, c.224 (C.58:12A-3).
"Water purveyor" means any person that owns a public community water system with more than 500 service connections.
N.J.S. § 58:31-2