Section 58:12A-12.9 - Drinking water test following replacement of lead service linea. A public water system that carries out a partial service line replacement of a lead service line serving a customer shall, upon receiving a request no later than six months after the completion of the replacement, test the customer's drinking water for the presence of lead, using a laboratory that has been certified for that purpose by the department. The results of the test shall be provided to the customer and to the public water system.b. A customer who requests a test pursuant to this section shall not be charged a fee by the public water system for this test. A public water system that is a "public utility," as defined in R.S. 48:2-13, and that is regulated by the Board of Public Utilities pursuant to Title 48 of the Revised Statutes, may petition the board to include in the public water system's rate base the reasonable costs of testing it provides to customers pursuant to this section.c. A public water system that carries out a partial service line replacement of a lead service line serving a customer shall include a notification on the customer's water bill, which clearly states the availability of water testing pursuant to subsection a. of this section.d. If a test carried out on a property pursuant to this section reveals that the water exceeds the lead action level, the public water system shall provide a written notice by mail of this fact to the chief executive of the municipality in which the property is located and all local health agencies in the municipality in which the property is located.Added by L. 2021, c. 265,s. 3, eff. 11/8/2021.