Section 54:5-130 - Creation of joint municipal lien pool permitteda. The governing bodies of two or more municipalities, by adoption of parallel resolutions, may create a joint municipal lien pool for the purpose of undertaking bulk sales of municipal liens, the public sale of liens at auction or the issuance of notes and bonds backed solely by municipal liens held by the joint municipal lien pool through the adoption of resolutions for that purpose. A joint municipal lien pool created pursuant to this section shall be known as the "(name of region or other identifying characteristic) Joint Municipal Lien Pool."b.(1) The powers of a joint municipal lien pool shall be vested in a board of directors which shall consist of one member from each participating municipality, who shall serve without compensation. The member shall be either the municipal tax collector or such other resident of the municipality as the mayor selects. The member shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor.(2) The board of directors may delegate such authority as it deems appropriate to an executive committee of the board.c. The members of the joint municipal lien pool shall establish procedures, times and locations for meetings as may be required for the operation of the pool.d. Following the creation of a joint municipal lien pool, any additional municipality may participate in the pool through the adoption of an authorizing resolution by that municipality, subject to the approval of all of the members of the board of directors of the pool.e. Prior to the commencement of its operations a joint municipal lien pool shall adopt bylaws to govern the conduct of its affairs. The bylaws shall include provisions regarding the responsibilities and obligations of the members of the pool, the termination of the joint municipal lien pool or the withdrawal of a member from the pool upon satisfaction by the member of all financial obligations to the pool. The bylaws shall be submitted to the Local Finance Board for approval. The contents of the bylaws shall be as determined necessary by the members of the pool and as may be required by the Local Finance Board. The Local Finance Board may approve the bylaws or require the adoption of specific changes for approval. Upon approval, a copy of the bylaws shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State and with the Director of the Division of Local Government Services. Upon proof of such filings, the joint municipal lien pool shall, in any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or enforcement of, or relating to, any contract or obligation or act of the joint municipal lien pool, be conclusively deemed to have been lawfully and properly created, organized and established and authorized to transact business and exercise its powers under this act. Copies of the filing, duly certified by the Secretary of State, shall be admissible in evidence in any suit, action or proceeding and shall be conclusive evidence of due and proper filing thereof.