N.J. Stat. § 54:40A-4
The provisions in this subsection as to wholesale dealers, retail dealers operating more than nine cigarette vending machines, and retail dealers who sell cigarettes at retail at more than nine premises do not apply to retail grocery stores and supermarkets primarily engaged in the self-service sale of foods and household supplies for off-premises consumption, to drug stores and pharmacies engaged in the retail sale of prescription drugs and patent medicines and which may carry a number of lines of related merchandise, or to restaurants, hotels and motels operated by national corporations with such premises in six or more states and primarily engaged in the sale of foods for retail consumption or in the rental of rooms for lodging.
It is further provided that any applicant or person required to submit information who has a charge pending pursuant to any of the foregoing shall disclose that fact to the director. The director may then withhold action on new applications or, in the case of an application for the renewal of a license, issue a temporary license until there has been a disposition of the charge. The director shall have the discretion to waive the prohibition against licensure herein provided upon the presentation of proof that a period of not less than five years has elapsed since the last conviction or the expiration of any period of incarceration imposed with respect thereto.
As used in this subsection:
For each license issued to a manufacturer, and for each continuance thereof, there shall be paid to the director a fee of $10.00.
For each license issued to a manufacturer's representative, and for each continuance thereof, there shall be paid to the director a fee of $5.00.
For each license issued to a wholesale dealer there shall be paid to the director a fee of $250.00. If a wholesale dealer sells or intends to sell cigarettes at 10 or more places of business, whether established or temporary, a separate license shall be required for each place of business. Each license, or certificate thereof, and such other evidence of license shall be exhibited in the place of business for which it is issued and in such manner as may be prescribed by the director.
For each license issued to a retail dealer and for each continuance thereof, excepting a retail dealer operating a cigarette vending machine, there shall be paid to the director a fee of $40 in 1996 and $50 in 1997 and each year thereafter. For each license issued to a retail dealer operating a vending machine for the sale of cigarettes and for each continuance thereof, there shall be paid to the director a fee of $40 in 1996 and $50 in 1997 and each year thereafter. Of the license fee of $40 and $50, respectively, $30 shall be credited in 1996 and $40 shall be credited in 1997 and each year thereafter to the special projects and development fund in the Department of Health and Senior Services established pursuant to section 7 of P.L. 1966, c.36 (C.26:2F-7) for the purposes specified therein, and $5 shall be credited each year, beginning with 1996, to the division for administrative costs associated with the requirements established pursuant to subsection i. of this section and section 2 of P.L. 1995, c.320 (C.26:3A2-20.1). The director shall determine and certify to the State Treasurer on a monthly basis the amount of revenues collected by the director which are to be credited to the special projects and development fund in the Department of Health.
If a retail dealer sells or intends to sell cigarettes at two or more places of business, whether established or temporary, or whether in the same building or not, a separate license shall be required for each place of business. Each vending machine for the sale of cigarettes shall be separately licensed and be deemed a separate place of business. Each license, or certificate thereof, and such other evidence of license shall be exhibited in the place of business for which it is issued and in such manner as may be prescribed by the director.
Any person licensed only as a distributor or as a manufacturer or as a manufacturer's representative or as a wholesale dealer or as a retail dealer shall not operate in any other capacity except under that for which he is licensed herein, unless the appropriate license or licenses therefor are first secured.
For each license issued to a consumer and for each continuance thereof there shall be paid to the director a fee of $1.00. Each license, or certificate thereof, or such other evidence of license as may be prescribed by the director, shall be so kept by the consumer as to be readily available for inspection.
No license shall be issued to any person except upon the payment of the full fee therefor, any statute or exemption to the contrary notwithstanding. No license shall be assignable or transferable, except as hereinafter provided, but in the case of death, bankruptcy, receivership, or incompetency of the licensee, or if for any other reason whatsoever the business of the licensee shall devolve upon another by operation of law, the director may, in his discretion, extend said license for a limited time to the executor, administrator, trustee, receiver, or person upon whom the same has devolved. A purchaser or assignee of a licensed wholesaler or licensed distributor, or any other person upon whom the business of a licensed wholesaler or licensed distributor shall devolve by operation of law, shall upon application to the director, be entitled to an assignment or transfer of the wholesale or distributor license for the balance of the existing license period upon payment of a transfer fee of $5.00 and subject to his qualification to be a licensed wholesaler or licensed distributor under the provisions of this act. The license issued for each vending machine for the sale of cigarettes may be transferred from machine to machine in the same ownership. No refund of the license fee shall be paid to any person upon the surrender or revocation of any license except a license fee paid or collected in error. But, upon payment of a $1.00 fee, there may be obtained (1) a duplicate license, or certificate thereof, in the event the original is lost, destroyed or defaced, and (2) an amended license, or certificate thereof, upon a change in the location of the place of business of any distributor or dealer.
If the place of business or the vending machine is moved to a different address than that provided on the license application, the licensee shall notify the director within 30 days of the change of address.
N.J.S. § 54:40A-4