N.J. Stat. § 54:40A-16
Wholesale dealers and retail dealers shall not accept deliveries of unstamped or illegally stamped cigarettes.
Wholesale dealers and retail dealers shall not accept deliveries of unstamped or illegally stamped cigarettes. All packages of cigarettes shall be examined by wholesale and retail dealers immediately upon their receipt and they shall immediately return any and all unstamped and illegally stamped cigarettes to the vendor or consignor thereof or to a common carrier for return to such vendor or consignor. Unless substantial evidence to the contrary be shown, the possession of any unstamped or illegally stamped cigarettes by a wholesale or retail dealer shall be prima facie evidence that such cigarettes were possessed in violation of the provisions of this act. The director may, however, in the director's discretion and subject to such conditions as the director may prescribe, authorize wholesale dealers and retail dealers to acquire and have in their possession cigarettes bearing cigarette revenue stamps of other states, provided such cigarettes are intended for sale or other disposition in those states.
N.J.S. § 54:40A-16