Section 54:39A-24 - Regulations, International Fuel Tax Agreementa. The director shall from time to time promulgate such regulations as may be necessary for the effective enforcement of this act.b. The director is authorized to enter into the International Fuel Tax Agreement for the reporting and payment of tax to a single base state and the administration of motor fuel use taxes and their distribution to member states. Notwithstanding any provisions of this act to the contrary, in furtherance of the International Fuel Tax Agreement the director is authorized to: (1) prescribe uniform rules in compliance with the International Fuel Tax Agreement to determine the base state for users, user records requirements, audit procedures, exchange of information, persons eligible for licensing with this State as their base state, the form of licenses and markers issued to this State's base licensees and the recognition of the licenses and markers issued by other base states, to maintain base jurisdiction accounting for such users, to require bonds to secure the payment of taxes, to specify reporting periods, to determine the methods for collecting and forwarding taxes and interest to other member taxing jurisdictions and such other provisions as will facilitate the administration of the agreement;(2) forward to the proper officers of another member jurisdiction or their agent any information in the director's possession relating to the manufacture, distribution or sale of motor fuels, the administration of taxes pursuant to the agreement, or the location of the property or personnel of motor fuel users in this State or another member jurisdiction;(3) assume the base jurisdiction auditing responsibilities; and(4) adopt such other regulations as may be required to administer, enforce or maintain compliance with the agreement.c. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, the director may, in connection with the administration of taxes under an agreement entered into pursuant to subsection b. of this section, enter into an agreement with other member jurisdictions and any financial institutions with respect to the payment of taxes or interest to such financial institutions and the filing of tax reports with such financial institutions as agents of the director and such other member jurisdictions.L.1963, c.44, s.24; amended 1995, c.347, s.11.