Section 54:39A-10 - Identification cards, markers; registration fee; permit; revocationa. Upon application to the director, in such form as the director may prescribe, the director shall issue to every user a motor fuels user identification card, which shall be safely preserved in the user's offices for as long as the card is valid. The user shall place a photographic copy of said card in the cab of each qualified motor vehicle used in the user's operations. The director shall also issue for each qualified motor vehicle operated by the user one or more identification markers, which shall be affixed to the vehicle in such manner as shall be prescribed by the director. The fee for each original such marker and any replacement marker shall be $5.00. Every identification card and marker shall remain the property of the State and may be recalled for any violation of this act or of the regulations promulgated hereunder, or for failure to pay any monies due the State under this act or any other law administered by the director. Identification cards and markers shall be issued on an annual basis as of January 1 of the year and shall be valid through the next succeeding December 31. The form and content of the card and marker or markers shall be as prescribed by the director. Any card and marker issued pursuant to this act may be deemed by the director as satisfying the equivalent requirements of any other law administered by the director, and any marker and card issued by the director pursuant to any other law, regulation, reciprocity agreement or arrangement, or declaration may be deemed as satisfying the equivalent requirements of this act. It shall be illegal to operate or cause to be operated in this State any qualified motor vehicle, unless the vehicle bears the identification marker and carries the copy of the identification card required by this section; provided, however, that upon the request of a user the director may issue by mail or telecommunication a permit valid for the operation of a qualified motor vehicle for a period not exceeding 30 days, pending the application for and issuance of an identification card or marker, or both. The fee for such permit shall be $5.00, which may be credited against the identification marker fee applicable to the same vehicle. A user whose vehicles in the aggregate make not more than six trips into or through this State in a 12-month period may be issued single trip permits valid for 96 hours for each round trip so made. The fee for such trip permit shall be $25.00, which shall be in lieu of reports, fees and taxes which may otherwise be applicable to said trip under this act.b. No card or markers shall be issued to a user previously issued a card or other license that is under revocation, or a user whose application contains any misrepresentation, misstatement, or omission of information required in the application.c. A card may be suspended or revoked for failure to comply with all applicable provisions of this act, including the improper use of cards or markers.L.1963, c.44, s.10; amended 1964, c.84, s.1; 1964, c.258, s.3; 1965, c.200; 1973, c.117, s.10; 1979, c.4; 1984, c.73, s.34; 1985, c.7, s.3; 1989, c.116; 1995, c.347, s.7.