Section 54:30A-116 - Annual assessmenta. Every gas and electric light, heat and power corporation, municipal or otherwise, that was subject to the provisions of P.L. 1940, c.5 (C.54:30A-49 et seq.) prior to January 1, 1998 and every telephone company that was subject to the provisions of P.L. 1940, c.4 (C.54:30A-16 et seq.) as of April 1, 1997 shall annually pay an annual assessment annually determined by the Director of the Division of Taxation as provided in this section.b.(1) For energy remitters, the uniform transitional utility assessment in the first year of assessment shall be equal to the remitters unit energy tax liability paid in the base year pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1940, c.5 (C.54:30A-49 et seq.) adjusted to reflect the remitters unit energy tax rates in effect on January 1, 1997 less (a) The sales and use tax remitted pursuant to P.L. 1966, c.30 (C.54:32B-1 et seq.) as of June 20 in the first year;(b) The amount of estimated corporation business tax remitted pursuant to section 15 of P.L. 1945, c.162 (C.54:10A-15) as of June 20 in the first year;(c) the payment of base year transitional energy facility assessment as defined in section 37 of P.L. 1997, c. 162(C.54:30A-101) made on May 15 of that year; and(d) the tax remitted pursuant to customer specific tax classifications described in section 59 of this act. Each remitter shall allocate a portion of the uniform transitional utility assessment to its liability for first year sales and use tax remittance and first year corporation business tax liability and notify the director of such allocation.
(2) For telecommunications remitters, the uniform transitional utility assessment in the first year of assessment shall be equal to the remitter's liability paid in the base year pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1940, c.4 (C.54:30A-16 et seq.) less the amount of estimated corporation business tax remitted pursuant to section 15 of P.L. 1945, c.162 (C.54:10A-15) as of June 20 in the first year.c.(1) For energy remitters, the uniform transitional utility assessment in each year after the first year of assessment shall be equal to 50% of the total of the remitter's estimate of sales and use tax remittance for that year and corporation business tax liability for that year.(2) For telecommunications remitters, the uniform transitional utility assessment in each year after the first year of assessment shall be equal to 50% of the remitter's estimate of its corporation business tax liability for that year.(3) The estimates described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, as applicable, shall be certified by the State Treasurer. The State Treasurer may, based upon each remitter's immediate prior year's sales tax remittances, immediate prior year's estimated corporation business tax liability and/or payments, current year sales tax remittances and current year estimated corporation business tax payments, as well as the economic conditions of the State, consideration of the State's revenues and expenditures and anticipated revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year and any other factor or factors which the State Treasurer deems relevant, reject the estimation and not certify the same. The remitter shall within five business days of the rejection recalculate the estimate and provide the recalculated estimate to the State Treasurer or provide the State Treasurer with sufficient justification of its original estimate. If the State Treasurer fails to certify the original, recalculated or other agreed estimate within five business days after the previous five business day period set forth herein, the dispute shall be resolved pursuant to a procedure to be established by regulations as shall be promulgated by the director. Prior to such resolution, the remitter shall pay as its uniform transitional utility assessment for that year an amount determined by the State Treasurer which (a) for energy remitters shall not exceed the greater of (i) 50% of the sum of the remitter's sales and use tax remittances for the preceding year and the tax shown on the remitter's corporation business tax return, or tentative return filed with an application for extension of time to file, for the preceding year, or (ii) 50% of the net of the remitter's base year liability less the base year transitional energy facility assessment both as defined in section 37 of P.L. 1997, c. 162(C.54:30A-101), and (b) for telecommunications remitters shall not exceed the greater of (i) 50% of the tax shown on the remitter's corporation business tax return, or tentative return filed with an application for extension of time to file, for the preceding year, or (ii) 50% of the remitter's base year gross receipts and franchise tax liability pursuant to P.L. 1940, c.4 (C.54:30A-16 et seq.).d. Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve an energy remitter of the requirement to collect and pay its current year transitional energy facility assessment.