Section 54:10A-5.9 - New jobs factor to determine amount of credit alloweda. The new jobs factor used to determine the amount of credit allowed under this act shall be based on the number of new jobs created in this State that are directly attributable to the qualified investment of the taxpayer.b.(1)(a) For a taxpayer that is not a small or mid-size business taxpayer, if 50 new jobs are created and filled during the tax year in which the qualified investment is placed in service or use in this State, the applicable new jobs factor shall be 0.005. For each 50 additional new jobs over the initial 50, up to 1000 total new jobs, the applicable new jobs factor of 0.005 shall be increased by adding thereto 0.005, up to a maximum new jobs factor of 0.10.(b) During each of the remaining four years of the five-year credit period, the taxpayer shall redetermine the new jobs factor for the tax year on the annual return based on the average number of new employees employed in new jobs during that tax year (determined on a monthly basis) created as the direct result of the taxpayer's qualified investment.(2)(a) For a taxpayer that is a small or mid-size business taxpayer, if five new jobs are created and filled during the tax year in which the qualified investment is placed in service or use in this State, the applicable new jobs factor shall be 0.01. For each five additional new jobs over the initial five, up to 100 total new jobs, the applicable new jobs factor of 0.01 shall be increased by adding thereto 0.01, up to a maximum new jobs factor of 0.20.(b) During each of the remaining four years of the five-year credit period, the taxpayer shall redetermine the new jobs factor for the tax year on the annual return based on the average number of new employees employed in new jobs during that tax year (determined on a monthly basis) created as the direct result of the taxpayer's qualified investment.c. An employee's position shall be directly attributable to the qualified investment if: (1) the employee's service is performed or the employee's base of operations is at the new or expanded business facility;(2) the position did not exist prior to the construction, renovation, expansion or acquisition of the business facility and the making of the qualified investment; and(3) but for the qualified investment, the position would not have existed.d. With the annual corporation business tax return filed under P.L. 1945, c.162, for each tax year during the five-year credit period for a qualified investment, the taxpayer shall certify: (1) the new jobs factor for that tax year for the qualified investment;(2) the amount of the credit allowed for that year for the qualified investment;(3) that the qualified investment property continued to be used in the business, or if any of it was disposed of during the year, the date of disposition, and that such property was not disposed of prior to expiration of its recovery period, as determined under section 5 of this act; and(4) that the new jobs are directly attributable to the qualified investment, are filled by individuals who meet the definition of new employee, and the median annual compensation of all new employees is equal to or greater than the minimum median annual compensation required by section 3 of this act.e. With the annual return for the corporation business tax imposed under P.L. 1945, c.162, filed for the tax year in which the qualified investment is first placed in service or use in this State, the taxpayer shall estimate and certify the number of new jobs reasonably projected to be created by it in this State within the period prescribed in subsection g. of this section, that are, or will be directly attributable to the qualified investment of the taxpayer.f. The hours of part-time employees shall be aggregated to determine the number of equivalent full-time employees for the purpose of determining the new jobs factor pursuant to subsection b. of this section but shall not be so aggregated for the purposes of subsection c. of this section.g. With the annual return for the tax imposed under P.L. 1945, c.162, filed for the third tax year in which the qualified investment is in service or use in this State, the taxpayer shall certify the actual number of new jobs created by it in this State, that are directly attributable to the qualified investment of the taxpayer. (1) If the actual number of jobs created would result in a higher new jobs factor, the credit allowed under this act shall be redetermined and amended returns filed for the first and second tax years that the qualified investment was in service or use in this State.(2) If the actual number of jobs created would result in a lower new jobs factor, the credit previously allowed under this act shall be redetermined and amended returns filed for the first and second tax years. Any additional taxes due under P.L. 1945, c.162, shall be remitted with the amended returns filed with the director, together with any penalty and interest, for failure to pay any such tax when due as provided in the State Uniform Tax Procedure Law, R.S. 54:48-1 et seq.L.1993,c.170,s.6; amended 2002 c. 40, s. 20.